Monday, November 8, 2010

Love Like Crazy: Formal Photos

Okay, I promise this post will be short and sweet. I realize no one really cares about these but me. :)

We started the formal photos with the biggest groups (so that more people could leave for the reception faster). Kelli Nicole is clearly an expert wedding photographer... she knocked all of these out in under ten minutes (and I'm not even putting them all on the blog! There are more!).

My mom's parents, siblings, and descendants. Hellooo big family!

My dad's parents, siblings, and descendants. Another big one. :)

Jeff's side of the family!

With our priests. What characters. ;o)

Cutest. Flower girls. Ever. (I don't care if you think yours were cuter. They weren't.)

Wedding party! 
(Funny how we had more bridesmaids than groomsmen, yet they took up way less space.)

My immediate family.

Jeff's immediate family.

And here's us. Being quite happy. :)

All photos by Kelli Nicole Photography.

Up next, a just-the-two-of-us quick photo shoot (in the Texas heat!).


  1. oh boy, i totally know what you mean about the texas heat! july 31st had to be the hottest day of the summer!

  2. @Caitlin - I know! What on earth were we thinking?!?! At least i wasn't in a tuxedo jacket like Jeff. Poor guy!

  3. Dropping in from Mingle Monday - great pictures! I love your hair! :)

  4. Hey from Mingle Monday! I'm a Catholic youth minister, and it's so encouraging to see that you and your husband (!) treated your nuptials like the holy Sacrament they are :)

  5. Visiting from Mingle Monday! I loved your wedding pictures and the awesome sneak peek into your ceremony...looks like a beautiful day!

  6. Stopping by from Mingle Monday! Amazing pictures!! I wish you nothing but health and happiness!!
