Monday, October 13, 2014

Pregnancy Recap: Weeks 23-27

This pregnancy seems to be moving so fast lately! It seemed like time went by so, so slowly for the first four months (I think that was mostly due to how sick I was all the time), but now that the nausea/vomiting are mostly gone (down to just once or twice a week, woo hoo!) and there's so much to be excited about (baby moving around in my belly! an upcoming baby shower! fixing up Connor's nursery!), time is just flying by. I honestly have no idea where my fourth and fifth month of pregnancy went! Haha.

Here are a few updates from the last few weeks:

Week 23:
We got to meet Connor's first best friend, Garrett!

Some sweet friends of ours are his parents, and it was so special to hold little Garrett. So amazing that just hours before he was still in his mommy's belly! It made our own pregnancy seem much more "real" to see our friends welcome their newborn into the world!

Week 24: 
Our little boy is moving around SO much. It seems like I can feel him kicking and rolling around all the time, and often he moves so strongly that we can watch the thumps and waves on the outside of my belly! What an absolute miracle to have this tiny little person squirming around inside of me!

24 Weeks!
I'm getting really tired of taking so many pills every day. Every morning there's vitamin B6 (for nausea), blood pressure medication, and heartburn medication. Every evening there's more B6, Unisom (also for nausea), more blood pressure medication, and my prenatal vitamins (2 pills).
I feel like there's a whole pharmacy living in a drawer in our kitchen. But I'm so thankful that everything seems to be working. My blood pressure issues have been 100% under control the whole time I've been pregnant, which is such a blessing because it could have gone much differently. And I'm SO, SO thankful that the nausea has improved (and that I haven't had to resort to Zofran, which I wasn't really comfortable with). 

Week 25:
We had an extra ultrasound to check Connor's heart (they couldn't get a clear look last time), and everything looks perfect! He's still measuring big (91st percentile!). I was amazed at what a difference just four weeks made in his appearance. He's really starting to put on some baby fat and he's so cute now! He has chubby little cheeks and an adorable nose that I think looks a lot like Jeff's. :)

Yawning Connor. Hehe. (That's his nose to the right and his chin to the left and his big open mouth in the middle!)

Week 26:
I was a bridesmaid for the wedding of one of my best friends, and (after some extensive alterations), the dress miraculously fit!


We made the discovery at the wedding that my belly is officially big enough to be in the way when I'm dancing with Jeff. We did our best, but it's just a little difficult with our little (big) baby boy in between us! :)

The day after the wedding, we left on our "babymoon" trip to Monaco and Nice, France (which I will blog about in more detail separately!).

Week 27: 
We spent the start of this week in Nice, France, and it was really nice to get home from our trip! Being pregnant in a foreign country is just a teensy bit nerve-racking (What happens if you go into pre-term labor?! Or if you fall?! Or if the baby stops kicking?!), so it was comforting to be back on Texas soil, not to mention the comfort of sleeping in our own bed again after a week of weird pillows and hotel mattresses. We loved our trip though!!

Baby Connor in Monaco!

My sisters and sister-in-law-to-be are planning a baby shower for me later in October, and I found the invitation in our mailbox when we got home from our trip. It's so adorable, and I just feel so loved that they're planning such a special event for me and the baby!

27 Weeks! Also, look how crazy-long my hair is getting! My typical cut-it-twice-a-year plan doesn't seem to be working with all these pregnancy hormones making it grow super quickly!

So, 27 weeks (and four days) down, 13 to go! Or maybe just 12 to go? We're kind of hoping for a December baby. :)


  1. You look great! The bump is too cute!

  2. Can't wait to hear about your babymoon! And how the nursery is coming along!
