
Saturday, July 12, 2014

My 25th Birthday

Speaking of things I forgot to blog about, I turned 25 back in May! When I was younger (like elementary school and middle school), I remember thinking that 25 would be the perfect age. I figured that by the time I was 25, I'd have a wonderful job, a super-cute boyfriend or husband, a closet full of stylish clothes, and a totally confident glamorous life like the heroines in all the chick flick movies. Haha! I don't think that I've quite made it there (I still stand in my closet most mornings thinking what on earth am I going to wear today?!?, and although I'm very grateful for the job I have, the long hours sometimes really stress me out), but overall - I'm just really happy with my life at the moment, and I feel very blessed, so I think 25 did live up to my childhood expectations! 

I always forget to write anything on the blog about my birthday, but this year I wanted to make sure I did because we had such fun little celebrations! The night before my birthday Jeff cooked dinner (what a treat!) and we had Jeff's family over (minus Jeff's mom, who's currently living in South Carolina in their fancy new lakehouse!). I just felt so loved to have everyone together AND to not have to cook dinner! Haha. 

I spent the afternoon of my actual birthday at a bridal shower for a dear friend of mine, and I honestly thought no one there would even know it was my birthday (which was totally fine with me!), but when I showed up the bride and her mom both immediately wished me a happy birthday, and I just felt so special. I've been blessed with such sweet friends. 

My grandparents happened to be in town for the weekend, and my birthday fell on a Saturday, so my parents had a wonderful birthday dinner for me at their house. Such a treat! 

One of my little sisters made this awesome birthday poster for me. I almost cried when I saw it because isn't that just the sweetest thing? I loved it!

Mmm, red velvet cake!

I did at least manage to get myself a super-cute husband by the age of 25. Teehee.


My Parents

My Grandparents

Anyway, it was just a really special weekend for me, and I felt so loved by all of my sweet family and friends! I think 25 will be a wonderful year!

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