
Friday, July 11, 2014

Easter 2014

Oh goodness, y'all. I never blogged about Easter! Life has just been so busy! Anyway, I figured I'd do a quick little post just so everything is sufficiently documented!

We went to church in Cypress with my parents and my littlest sister on Easter Sunday (such an enjoyable Mass, especially after last year's disappointing Easter at church!), then went back to my parents' house for a delicious Easter lunch.


My other sister, Kristen, is living in New York now, and she wasn't able to come home for Easter, but we made sure she didn't feel left out by dressing up a dress form and taping her photo to the top of it. :)


Jeff and I hosted Easter dinner for Jeff's family at our house again this year, and I managed to get exactly zero pictures, except for a couple photos of the carrot cake I made:



I always forget to take pictures when I'm hosting something at our house. I just get caught up in decorating and cooking and totally forget to grab the camera! Jeff's mom brought over a ham, and I made this pork tenderloin with dijon marsala sauce, these roasted potatoes, these green beans, this orzo salad, this rosemary bread, and a baked pineapple dish to go with the ham. Plus that pretty little carrot cake, of course!

It was wonderful to spend the holiday with both of our families, although we definitely wished we could've had real Kristen rather than fake Kristen there!

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