Connor's Stats:
Birth Weight: 6 pounds, 6.5 ounces. Current Weight: 20 pounds, 13 ounces.
Birth Length: 19.5 inches. Current Length: I always forget to measure! I'll update it later.
Clothing: Wearing 12 and 18 month clothes and size 4 diapers!
Playing peekaboo.
Banging his hands on things.
Going to the grocery store.
Waiting to eat until we're done praying.
When Daddy won't let him climb out of the bathtub.
Long car rides.
When other babies/children are sad.
Having his face and hands wiped after eating.
New Tricks:
Crawling all over the place!
Pulling up to a standing position.
Standing for a few seconds on his own.
Saying "hi" and "dada."