
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Connor at Eleven Months

Oh goodness, y'all... we're coming up on ONE YEAR so quickly! This past month has been such a transition period... our little baby is becoming more of a toddler every day. Connor took his first steps about a week after he turned 10 months old, and now he's definitely toddling all over the place! I even caught myself starting a sentence the other day with "When Connor was a baby..." and had to pause for a minute to keep myself from getting all emotional about it!

Jeff calls him "Little Mischief" because he's always getting into everything around the house, but mostly we just love watching him explore and discover. The upcoming holiday season is going to be really exciting to experience with him. Connor has developed his own little sense of humor, and we're finding it so fascinating to see what he does and does not think is funny. He laughs at the most random things sometimes! We've kind of got into the habit of lying in bed and talking about him every night before we go to sleep, which makes me (1) officially really feel like a parent, and (2) wonder how many nights my parents spent lying in bed talking about me (do they still do this?!). Haha!

Oh, and the entire time that I was trying to take his picture, he just kept saying "duh?" (done?) and "deeyit!" (I did it!). Super cute! It's a miracle that I got just one shot of him smiling at the camera. Here's our little boy at eleven months!


Connor's Stats:
Birth Weight: 6 pounds, 6.5 ounces. Current Weight: 22 pounds, 11 ounces.
Birth Length: 19.5 inches. Current Length: 29 1/4 inches. Ish. Based on my amateur measuring efforts.
Clothing: Wearing 12 and 18 month clothes and size 4 diapers! 

The TV remote.
Being tossed in the air or onto a bed.
Watching the laundry in our washer and dryer.
When someone says "gobble, gobble, gobble" like a turkey.
Saying "dada!" repeatedly when I try to get him to say "mama."
Being chased.
Lifting up the corners of rugs.

Older babies trying to play with him at playgroup.
When Mommy won't let him unroll the toilet paper.
When Mommy won't let him throw the coasters.
When Mommy won't let him pull wine bottles out of the cabinet in the dining room.
When Mommy won't let him pick leaves off the houseplants.
Wearing hats.

New Tricks:
Walking unassisted!
"Talking" in a monster voice.
Doing animal sounds for a bear and a bumblebee.
Walking all the way up to Communion at Mass (and distracting everyone at church with his cuteness!).
Turning book pages.
Eating larger meals than his mama.

Happy eleven months, sweet Connor Beckett. We are so blessed that God made you ours!


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