
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Pregnancy Recap: Weeks 13-16

Here are a few more pregnancy weekly recaps... I'm in the middle of week 21 now, so we're almost caught up... sort of. Haha!

Week 13:
The doctor's suggestion of vitamin B6 combined with Unisom is helping a bit with the nausea, but not much. I'm hoping this first trimester sickness ends soon! Most of my clothes still fit fine, but I had a hard time squeezing into my jeans for jeans Friday at work, so I bought my first maternity clothes - a pair of jeans from Target. The elastic waist is so comfortable! I think I'd like to wear them even when I'm not pregnant. :)

Week 14:
We spent a long weekend on South Padre Island with my family, and it was a wonderful, relaxing trip (and I only threw up a few times...).


When we got back, we told the rest of our close friends about the baby, and I told my boss and HR the news at work. It's exciting to finally be able to stop keeping secrets!

Week 15:
We put a pregnancy announcement on the blog and Facebook. What fun to finally share the news with everyone! We feel very loved and supported.


My blood pressure readings were inching higher and higher again, so I'm back on the blood pressure medication. I'm not super happy about it because the medication makes me feel kind of drowsy and light-headed, but I feel really blessed that I have a wonderful doctor that I really trust, especially since I'm technically a "high-risk pregnancy" with the blood pressure issues.

15 weeks! Still wearing regular clothes for the most part... :)

Week 16:
I felt the baby move a little! What an odd and amazing feeling! I absolutely love it... such a nice reminder that baby is in there and doing well! The nausea is finally letting up, thank goodness, but I've started to get random nosebleeds, which is apparently pregnancy-related. I'm drinking TONS of milk, partially because it helps with the heartburn (and I am so, so sick of chewing on Tums... yuck), and partially because it just sounds good all the time! I was never a milk drinker before being pregnant (like, the thought of drinking milk out of a glass made me gag a little), so it's pretty weird that I'm enjoying it so much! I also like grapes now, after a lifetime of picking them out of fruit salads because I hated the taste and texture of them. Pregnancy is funny!

I feel like the nausea/vomiting is starting to slow down (and I'm hoping it does actually stop soon!). 


  1. Have you tried drinking plain Coke (I feel like I've already commented suggesting this)? It can help with heartburn and the feeling of an upset stomach. And you look great!

  2. Ugh, such a bummer that you had to endure many months of morning sickness! I can't imagine working a full-time job (or more than full-time, in your case) while feeling nauseous the whole time!
