
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Our 2013 Photobook

I finally got around to finishing and ordering (by "ordering," I mean waiting for a "free extra pages" sale and then ordering) our 2013 photobook from MyPublisher! I especially had fun making this year's book because (1) 2013 was my first full year with the dSLR camera, so the photos were a step up from prior years, and (2) we took some amazing vacations this year to really pretty places!


I was so happy with the glossy cover from our 2012 photobook that I re-ordered our 2011 photobook to match and did 2013 with the same format. Now they all go together quite nicely, and they're all in that super-durable glossy finish.



The books are mostly photos, but I like to put captions in with the month and the event title (and for things like vacations, a little list of all the places we went).






I don't normally take advantage of the full-page photo option very much, but this year we had all of these beautiful photos from our Alaskan cruise and Seattle trip, and I just had to make them big!





Each of our yearly books has a small photo and a Bible verse (something that seems to kind of sum up the year that just passed) on the back cover. 2011 was the year we bought our house, so we picked Joshua 24:15 (As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord) and used a photo of us at Jeff's Confirmation. 2012 was such a busy, busy year with law school, Jeff's job, so many family events and trips, etc., so the verse that year was Colossians 3:17 (And whatever you do, whether in word or in deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him).

For 2013, it was an easy choice to use a photo of both of us in our caps and gowns from graduation, and the verse we picked was Proverbs 16:3 (Entrust your works to the Lord, and your plans will succeed). I really like how it turned out. 



So now we have our last three years documented via photobook! I still toss around the idea of doing one for 2010, but we were only married for half of 2010 (so the first half is covered by our engagement and wedding albums), and I don't know if I'll ever actually make one. I do love the three we have though!

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