
Monday, April 2, 2012

Easter Wreath

Ok, so it's a little late to be posting Easter projects, but I just have to share this one with you! Once upon a time I saw this picture:

I thought it was so cute, and I had to have one for myself. So I went on a wild goose chase for lime green fuzzy yarn (Michaels, JoAnn's, Hobby Lobby), and I ended up buying a darker green because that was all I could find! I easily found the other supplies: a green styrofoam wreath form, flower trim (with the sewing embellishments), pink pearl-headed pins, and some pink satin ribbon. I decided to skip the little flag in favor of a couple of Easter bunnies from Hobby Lobby. Here's what I ended up with:

I love it!

The process for making this wreath is really simple. Just take a green styrofoam wreath form and wrap a skein of fuzzy yarn around it over and over. 

Then, cut your flower trim into individual flowers, and pin each one into the wreath using a pearl-headed pin:

Next, stick your bunnies into the wreath. My bunnies were on big sticks, so I just trimmed the sticks and stuck them into the styrofoam wreath:

Then, tie a ribbon around the top for hanging:

That's it! Easy peasy.

I'm actually really glad I couldn't find the lime green yarn. I think the darker green looks quite nice against our dark wood front door:

I'm so pleased with how this turned out... such a simple, easy project! The yarn-wrapping with fuzzy yarn is WAY faster than with regular yarn (like in the college colors argyle wreath). Y'all totally have time to run out and buy some supplies and make this before Easter. :) 

Anyone else working on last-minute Easter projects? I just think Easter/spring decorations are such fun!

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