
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Baseball Season!

We like baseball. I have fond memories from when I was a little kid and we used to go see the Texas Rangers play in Arlington. Jeff's family has always loved the Houston Astros, and I became an Astros fan too after we moved to Houston in 2000.

With some friends in high school

Unfortunately, our beloved Astros aren't doing too well this season. We usually go to at least one game each season (in fact, Jeff gave me a pair of Astros tickets for my birthday in 2006), but we haven't been motivated to pay for tickets to see our team lose! However, Jeff's company gave us a pair of tickets for last weekend, so we donned our Astros gear and went!

Jeff was giving me a hard time about taking a picture. He DOES NOT smile like that. Haha.

As expected, the good old Astros were losing for the entire game.

Eventually I got bored with all the strikeouts and just started taking pictures. Haha.

I just love the grass on baseball fields. So manicured and fancy!

I think this is so clever... Chick Fil A advertises on the foul poles at Minute Maid Park, and they say "Eat More Fowl." Hehe.

Lucky for us, our college teams have had a much better year! Both the Aggies and the Gamecocks made it into the College World Series, and they unfortunately had to PLAY EACH OTHER for the first round. We've always joked that if the Aggies and Gamecocks ever played each other, it might be the end of our marriage. We both love our teams!! But, we managed to watch the game together without anyone being injured or ending up divorced. ;o)

The Gamecocks won by ONE POINT. Barely. I was NOT a happy camper.

We watched the game with my parents in their fancy-shmancy media room with a GIANT television.

Gig 'em Ags!

Once the Aggies were out of the competition, I started rooting for the Gamecocks (like a good wife should, I suppose), and they managed to win the whole thing! Jeff's thrilled obviously, and I'm just happy that I finally get my husband back! He's been glued to the TV or off at baseball watch parties for the entire College World Series!

(source -

Any other baseball fans out there? How's your hometown team doing?


  1. Yes huge baseball fan here, but sadly I am a home town girl from Houston. So as you said my beloveds are breaking my heart at the moment. But I still have been to about 11 games thus far as it is still fun to watch as I just enjoy the game.

    Congrats to the Gamecocks!

  2. I love baseball! Going to a rangers game this friday :)

  3. Oh, I love baseball! I'm a huge Yankee fan, and my bf is a huge Rangers fan. (So obviously he was happier about last night than you were-- sorry. Lol.)

    I'm also a Florida Gator fan, but alas, they couldn't make it happen this year in the CWS. Congrats to the Gamecocks though-- they played great.

  4. Pretty bummed out the Gators lost :( Oh well there's always next year.

  5. I feel your pain. I'm from NY and a Mets fan. That is all.

  6. oh man! good thing they didn't play each other in football or basketball. not to downgrade baseball or anything, but since those sports get so much more attention i feel like it would have been a lot harder to watch!

  7. i'm an astros fan too though i'm not too happy that they've been stinking it up lately. still though, i'm a fan! glad you got to go!
