
Saturday, April 30, 2011

It's the little things...

Lately I keep catching myself thinking of random little things that will be really nice about the new house. For example,
  • When doing laundry, I won't be able to hear the washer and dryer throughout the entire house. Also, we'll have a side-by-side instead of a stackable, so I'll actually be able to reach the dryer. Wonderful!

I believe the builder's putting in something like this...
  • When I'm cleaning the counters in the kitchen, I can wipe all the crumbs right into the sink. This is HUGE. I believe I once referred to the undermount sink as "the epitome of the American dream," and I meant it. 
This is what our sink is like... straight off the granite and into the sink!
  • My clothes will have more space in the closet, and I won't pull a hanger out only to find that the shirt has a giant wrinkle from being pressed so tightly against the shirt next to it.
  • I can get a doormat! Our apartment has carpeted indoor hallways, so we don't have one!
  • I can have a compost pile in the backyard! Hooray for being eco-friendly and becoming more and more like my Grandpa.
Plenty of space back there!
  • The master bathroom is big enough that we can share, so I won't have to move all my bathroom stuff every time we have guests staying with us!
  • I can have a whole entire cabinet in the kitchen dedicated to cupcake papers and sprinkles and icing supplies and other baking paraphernalia! 
Plenty of cabinets!
  • Our address won't have an apartment # at the end of it, so we'll always get our mail on time, even if people forget to write the apartment number.
  • Speaking of our address, I can finally get one of those return address stamps! I never got one for the apartment because I didn't know if we'd stay here long enough for it to be worth it.
  • When people come visit, I won't have to go downstairs and let them through the gate. They can just park at our house and walk to our door!
  • We'll have neighbors! I'm especially excited about the empty lot next door. This means we'll have new neighbors not too long after we move in, and I can go bring them some banana bread and welcome them. I'm irrationally excited about this. 
  • Sidewalks. I grew up in a neighborhood with sidewalks, and I've missed them ever since we moved when I was 10. 
  • I will never, ever again have to clean a glass stove cooktop. Unfortunately, this is happening right after I finally found the perfect product to use to clean it.
This stuff is the BEST by the way. You can get it at Bed Bath & Beyond.
  • Garage - no more quick prayers for a good parking spot in the garage!
  • We'll have trick-or-treaters on Halloween!
I'm just getting more and more excited about the house! Hopefully all of these positive things will convince me that the increase in my commuting time isn't so bad... you all know how much I enjoy Houston traffic (not.). Yes, I just said "not." Can we bring that back? I kind of like it...

Anybody else have a dryer you can't reach? Am I going to be okay sharing a bathroom with a boy? Haha. Will I freak my future neighbors out if I bring them various loaves of bread every day for the first week after they move in? 


  1. gosh i love that house. sharing a bathroom won't be bad! when we were dating and i'd stay over occasionally, i used the guest bath and wondered if we'd ever share. we do now and its easy- you stay on your side ill stay on mine. plus we never get ready at the same time.

    you should totally take them bread! i make our next door neighbors dog treats- thats pretty dorky! and they loved it.

  2. I'm going to buy a bottle of the cooktop cleaner NOW. We have a glass cooktop in our house and it drives me insane.

  3. so excited for you! i've always wanted one of those return address stamps!

  4. I am so glad that someone else thinks about stuff like the banana bread. I totally made cookies for someone that moved into the apartment next to me once. I love doing stuff like that!
