
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentine's Day... eh.

Valentine's Day isn't really my thing. I once broke up with a boyfriend on Valentine's Day. But it wasn't mean or anything... it was a mutual breakup. All the Valentine's hubbub just kind of made us both be like yeah... I don't actually like you that much. 

Anyway, even once I was happily dating Jeff, Valentine's Day wasn't such fun because we were always dating long-distance. So I couldn't have a nice evening with my boyfriend, and I also couldn't really party it up with the single girls and complain about my single-ness. Plus, February 14th is my dad's birthday, so I grew up celebrating my dad every February 14th, which means it's not exactly the most romantic day of the year (because it's kind of all about my dad in my head... haha).

Valentine's Day 2004 - Happy Birthday Daddy!
[Sidenote: I kind of can't believe I'm posting this photo of me at Age 14 with braces and a fever blister. That was me in my awkward years. Enjoy.]

We decided after our first one or two Valentine's Days together that we would stop doing Valentine's Day presents and just write each other nice sweet little cards instead... we felt like we were giving each other random stuff just because we had to. But even after we decided not to do gifts, pretty flowers usually showed up at my front door. :o)

We did break the no-gift cycle last year so that we could each buy the other one half a set of patio furniture. But it was a few days before actual Valentine's Day. And it was just because we wanted patio furniture.

Hello pretty balcony!

When Jeff asked me what we were going to do for Valentine's Day this year, my immediate response was "Umm, usually I just mail you a sweet card and some cookies." Oh, long-distance relationships. But really, it would be a bit silly to pay for shipping and let my perfectly decorated cookies get squished in the mail for the sake of tradition. So that probably won't happen.

One year I made this awesome fold up card thing (I think it's officially called a "squash book"). Get a tutorial here.

One year I made these pretty little cookies. And I took a photo just in case they got squished in the mail (they did).

After seeing a rather tempting commercial on TV, I told Jeff that I wanted a Red Velvet Cheesecake Sonic Blast for Valentine's Day 2011. Except then we ruined that by going and getting a couple last week (while we had off work and school for the "snow" that never hit Houston).

Eeee! These were SO SO good!

I wore my hat and scarf. Not because I was cold, but because it was a "snow day" (in quotations because there wasn't actually any snow...), and that's what you do on snow days.

Delicious. Yum.

So, I'm now officially out of ideas for this year's Valentine's Day. Honestly, we'll probably just cuddle on the couch and rent a movie from Amazon Video on Demand (because they give you $5 rental credits every time you purchase a textbook, and I purchase a LOT of textbooks, hence... many video on demand credits). Maybe we'll get more Red Velvet Cheesecake Blasts. They were that good.

What are your Valentine's Day plans? Anything exciting?


  1. We aren't really Valentines Day people either. Charlie usually gets me some flowers (When he remembers when it is), but that is about it. Good to know the red velvet cheesecake from sonic is good! I've been seeing the commercials and really been wanting to try it! YUM!!!

  2. We don't really do Valentine's Day either. We're using it as an excuse to buy some seasons of our current fave tv show, Everybody Loves Raymond. I'm planning on baking a chocolate cake for Adam and I won't be surprised if he came home with flowers on Monday. But we'll take any excuse for chocolate and flowers :)

  3. I love Red Velvet more than most desserts. My Grandma used to make it years and years ago for my mom (before it was all the rage) and I'm very happy it seems to be everywhere lately. I got a whole 10' RV cake for my bday in fact. We might have to go get some of these once our cake is gone.

  4. I haven't tried the Red Velvet blast yet! Looks yummy.

    I did the same thing on our Houston snow day! Except, I made my hubby build a fire for good measure.

    I doubt we'll do anything on Valentine's Day. Our anniversary is not quite a week later, so we'll celebrate then.

  5. the sonic dessert looks SO good. i think i may have to try it now! as for valentines, even though it's not your thing, just don't think of it as valentines...just think of things you'd like to do for your man to just be sweet. OR now that you're married, make him cookies that actually WON'T get crushed ;)

  6. Ok, I've been wanting a Red Velvet Cheesecake Blast and someone told me she tried it and hated it. But you're the 2nd person who's said they're good, so I'm officially getting one tomorrow as an 'almost Friday!' treat. :)
