Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Just Another Day in Houston Traffic...

Traffic is pretty bad in Houston. Every morning I drive about 6 miles to get to school, and it takes me 30-40 minutes. Crazy. In the afternoons I try to leave school early enough to beat the rush, but with my new schedule this semester I seem to have a hard time getting out before the traffic starts.

Sometimes, the traffic is so bad that we're literally just stopped on the freeway not moving. Last week I had the bright idea to pull out my camera and have some fun with the manual settings while I was going zero miles per hour.

Without further ado, here's my photographic ode to Houston traffic in my little Mazda...

Do any of y'all have to deal with a yucky commute every day? What do you do to pass the time?


  1. Mine's about 35 min but I'm not stuck in gridlock traffic....I would go crazy if I were!

  2. hahah your ode to traffic is awesome. yes, Houston traffic sucks! It used to take me an hour to get to school in high school! Luckily my work hours are so weird mow traffic isn't bad, but I can totally sympathize with you!

  3. how did you post from the future?@!?!?!? haha

  4. @Carrie - haha I have no idea what happened! I scheduled it to post on Feb 2nd (I schedule posts a lot because I tend to write them a few at a time), and for some reason Blogger just posted it immediately. Weird.

  5. I have a Mazda too! :) My commute is about 25 minutes, but I'm rarely at a standstill (unless there's an accident or bad weather). I like to play around with my camera when I'm bored too!

  6. Yuck!! Thankfully I don't have to experience Houston traffic on my way to work since I work and live right off the beltway. I'm sorry you have to sit through that every day!

  7. Ha! What a great way to deal with the boredom. :)

  8. Just hopped in from Meg's Mingle Monday.

    Nope, not since I retired from teaching over an hour away from where I live. I did that for 16 years, but luckily it was through rural area and the scenery was great (that is when I wasn't hittng deer).

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  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Our name isn't the only thing we have in common-- I drive a Mazda too! Haha. Fortunately, I don't have a long commute anymore, so no I have no words of wisdom for you there. :)

  10. Loving the photo of the skyline! SOOOo glad I am not stuck in traffic...impressed that you made something good out of it :)
