
Monday, December 27, 2010


Hello! I'm back! It's been an absolutely wonderful Christmas, and I of course will post pictures and such in the days to come, but for now it's time for an important reminder... IT'S TIME FOR APPLE PIE!!

If you didn't catch the first couple will-do winter posts, I promised myself I would bake a real, homemade apple pie this winter, and a lot of my readers said they'd like to give it a try too! So we're all going to do it together, and I'll post pictures on the blog of your pie if you send me a photo!

Here's how it works:
1. Bake an apple pie. Any sort of apple pie will do.
2. Take a photo of your finished apple pie! Congratulations!
3. Email that photo to spiralsandspatulas {at} gmail {dot} com by December 31st. Include your name and blog URL if you want them to be included in the Apple Pie Post!
4. Check the blog in the first few days of 2011, and see your pie featured on Spirals & Spatulas!

I've already picked out my apple pie recipe. It's this one. I've got a bag of Granny Smith apples in my fridge, and they'll soon be PIE! I'm debating which sort of pie crust top to use though. I had pretty much settled on a lattice top crust with thick strips like this one...

But then I saw this cute little thing, and now I just might have to do a "honeycomb" crust! 

And if I only had a leaf-shaped cookie cutter, I would TOTALLY do this one because it's adorable. 

Oh, and if a traditional apple pie isn't your thing, will you please make apple pie pops? So cute!!

I can't wait to see all of your pies (and I seriously hope at least SOMEONE participates, or else it'll just be my pie you see next week! Haha.)!

PS - Remember, the second half of Will-Do Winter (hang something on a wall!) is coming up as well. Pictures for that half will be due by January 10th!

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