
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bridal Portraits!!!

I know I said I was going to blog about DIY projects, and then the honeymoon, and then the wedding week, but I'm taking a break from all that already because I JUST REALIZED THAT I FORGOT TO SHOW YOU MY BRIDAL PHOTOS!

I took these with Kelli Nicole back in June, but I didn't share them because of the whole Jeff-didn't-want-to-see-the-dress thing. From what I hear, bridal portraits are a Southern thing, so for my readers who are thinking to themselves uhh...what the heck is she talking about?!?!, here's a teensy tiny explanation:

Bridal portraits are done before the wedding, usually for the purpose of having photos of the bride to display at the Wedding Reception and in the newspaper announcement. Brides tend to use their portraits as an opportunity to "test run" their hair/makeup/dress/etc. Plus you get to wander around in a white dress and people wave and smile at you a lot. And if you're like me and you think your photographer is a rockstar, it's an added bonus that you get to hang out with her for a while too. 

For the Houstonians, I took these at the Uptown Park shopping center at San Felipe and 610, and at the green-ish area behind the giant dead dandelion sculpture by Allen Parkway.

Before meeting Kelli for the photos, I took a trip to my stylist lady, Hilda. We did a trial run of my hair and makeup.

BMsister Karoline came along for the fun!

Hair and makeup... done! Also, I think this is probably the blog debut of my VEIL!!! I loved that veil. Probably more than I loved my dress. 

All dressed up and ready to go! BMsister Karoline was in charge of carrying the blotting sheets (since we were doing pictures OUTSIDE in 100-degree Houston) and extra lip gloss.

And here they are... all from Kelli Nicole:

There are more (Kelli took about a million pictures!), but these are just some of my favorites. What do you think? She takes amazing pictures, right? If you're in Houston, hire her for your wedding. Seriously. :)

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