
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"Look What I Made!" - Place Card Edition

Ahhh Wedding Week!

I've now officially finished just about everything, with a few exceptions:

  1. Programs need to be folded and tied
  2. Bridal Party info packets need to be printed
  3. I need to finish packing for Jamaica
That's it! We've been awfully productive this week...want to see my latest creation?

Ta-da! Place Cards! (click to enlarge)

Alright, here's the deal on how to make it:

First, take two 20x30 pieces of foam board, and a few yards of fabric:

Then, lay the foam board down on top of the fabric (with the wrong side facing up):

Then, fold the long sides of the fabric on top:

Fold the other sides of the fabric like you would with a Christmas present and wrapping paper. Secure the fabric with pins or glue (I opted for pins so I can possibly re-use the fabric later):

Next you'll need business-card-sized envelopes:

Grab a navy fine-point Sharpie and write everyone's name on a card. I put the married couples together on one card to decrease the number of envelopes. Inside the envelope, put a table number card:

I did these with PowerPoint (of course), my inkjet printer, and my Martha Stewart lace edge punch.

I also added a card with the info about our photo-sharing site, iRave.

Once the two cards were stashed in the envelopes, I pinned the envelopes onto the foam boards with pearl headed pins (in alphabetical order). [HINT: do the top row and one side first and space them out, then line up the rest of the envelopes with those two rows to get even spacing] Some close-ups:

I made two boards to fit all the cards, and we'll be sitting them on two easels found on sale at Hobby Lobby!

Hopefully I put all the cards in the correct envelopes! :)

Just to be cute, I also took a little white bowl and labelled it "Pins." It'll sit next to the boards as a pin receptacle. I got to use my bracket frame shape again! 

I just love crafts. <3

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