
Friday, July 30, 2010

It's Almost Time...

So I'm sitting here with my bridesmaids, sooo ready for the day tomorrow! The bridal luncheon was great, the rehearsal was great, the rehearsal dinner was great... we're all set!

This afternoon we made a trip to Raveneaux to drop off my copious amounts of random boxes. They were filled with bathroom baskets and candy buffet supplies and all sorts of other goodness. :o)

Look! The ballroom was all set up already!

Look at that fancy head table!

So many tables!

My candy buffet.  They let me set it up myself, which was LOVELY. Can't wait to eat it. :o)

So that's it... tomorrow's the wedding! Eeeee!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It's Wedding Week!!!

The entire wedding party has officially made it to the city of Houston! We all met up at Taco Milagro for dinner tonight:

Pretty attractive, right? :o)

I've got one bridesmaid at my house with me, and the rest are coming over tomorrow! Life is so, so good! And the best part... we have all the wedding stuff pretty much DONE!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"Look What I Made!" - Place Card Edition

Ahhh Wedding Week!

I've now officially finished just about everything, with a few exceptions:

  1. Programs need to be folded and tied
  2. Bridal Party info packets need to be printed
  3. I need to finish packing for Jamaica
That's it! We've been awfully productive this week...want to see my latest creation?

Ta-da! Place Cards! (click to enlarge)

Alright, here's the deal on how to make it:

First, take two 20x30 pieces of foam board, and a few yards of fabric:

Then, lay the foam board down on top of the fabric (with the wrong side facing up):

Then, fold the long sides of the fabric on top:

Fold the other sides of the fabric like you would with a Christmas present and wrapping paper. Secure the fabric with pins or glue (I opted for pins so I can possibly re-use the fabric later):

Next you'll need business-card-sized envelopes:

Grab a navy fine-point Sharpie and write everyone's name on a card. I put the married couples together on one card to decrease the number of envelopes. Inside the envelope, put a table number card:

I did these with PowerPoint (of course), my inkjet printer, and my Martha Stewart lace edge punch.

I also added a card with the info about our photo-sharing site, iRave.

Once the two cards were stashed in the envelopes, I pinned the envelopes onto the foam boards with pearl headed pins (in alphabetical order). [HINT: do the top row and one side first and space them out, then line up the rest of the envelopes with those two rows to get even spacing] Some close-ups:

I made two boards to fit all the cards, and we'll be sitting them on two easels found on sale at Hobby Lobby!

Hopefully I put all the cards in the correct envelopes! :)

Just to be cute, I also took a little white bowl and labelled it "Pins." It'll sit next to the boards as a pin receptacle. I got to use my bracket frame shape again! 

I just love crafts. <3

Monday, July 26, 2010

My Big Fat Catholic Wedding: Part IV - The Deacon Meeting

The next step for our Catholic wedding was to meet with a Deacon to discuss our ceremony.

Jeff and I were given a book with all of our ceremony options, and we looked over it and picked our favorites before the meeting.

There are two separate books, one for the full wedding ceremony (including Communion), and one for the Liturgy of the Word only ceremony (no Communion). Both ceremonies are totally valid and sacramental, it just depends on which the couple wants. We opted to skip the Communion portion since none of Jeff's family is Catholic. We didn't want his half of the guest list to have to sit and watch and be bored while the other side of the Chapel went to take the Eucharist. 

Inside the book, the options for each part of the ceremony are listed.

We had to pick one Old Testament reading, one New Testament reading, and one Gospel reading.
Each of the readings was in the book (left hand side) along with a description and explanation of its meaning in regards to marriage (right hand side).

We also had to choose a Responsorial Psalm, and wording options for each of the Nuptial Rite parts. You get to pick the wording for the blessings, ring exchange, vows, etc.

Jeff and I brought our list of choices with us to our meeting with the Deacon, and he approved them and recorded them all on this form (click to enlarge!):

Contrary to popular belief, you can customize the Catholic wedding ceremony quite a bit. If you don't want to use the readings from the book, you can use any biblical readings you want, as long as they're approved by the Priest or Deacon. You can even write your own versions of the blessings and prayers if you want, or add in additional prayers that you've written. We added in a Unity Candle lighting, but people add on all sorts of things! 

I loved planning our ceremony. The ceremony is the most "real" part of the wedding for me, and it felt so exciting to finalize what we'll be saying when we receive the sacrament of marriage!

Previously in this series:
Part I - The Process
Part II - The FOCCUS test

Sunday, July 25, 2010

So Many Changes!!

Changes are afoot here at Spirals and Spatulas!

The most obvious change to you all (aside from the fact that I'm getting MARRIED this weekend) is my new blog layout! This morning I realized that my Cutest Blog on the Block layout wasn't working properly, so I took a second to set up a new one that I really love.

{{If you're reading this on your Google Reader, now is the time to click over and ooh and ahh at the new layout!}}

It doesn't match my wedding color scheme anymore, but honestly...I'm getting so sick of navy and maroon, and I just needed a change. So green and maroon paisleys it is!

This post is going to be insanely long. But if you get to the second half you'll be rewarded with copious pictures of the apartment, as promised!

Getting married is a weird thing. It's like everything's about to change, but everything's staying the same too.  I mean... Jeff and I have been committed to doing the whole "forever thing" for quite some time now, and that will stay the same. Promising to be faithful to each other till death does us part isn't really anything new. I honestly don't feel like the whole wedding thing is going to change that commitment. It'll have a new name, but it will be the same love, the same promises, the same trust. After the wedding is over, he'll still be Jeff and I'll still be Katie, and life will go on. We'll have the same families and the same values. We'll have the same plans and the same dreams.

But we'll be a Mr. and a Mrs. And we'll have new roles in life as "husband" and "wife." I'll finally move into the apartment, and I'll have to let go of my suburban comfort zone and adjust to life in the big city. My bank accounts, my insurance, my last name.... all of it will change. And then there's the whole realm of changes that come with moving in with a boy!! Haha. On top of all that, I'm starting law school two weeks after we get back from Jamaica. Change, change, change.

In preparation for that whole moving-in-with-a-boy thing we've been working like crazy to get the apartment put together. We've been doing is pretty low-budgetly, with lots of furniture my parents were getting rid of, lots of stuff we already owned, and lots of creativity. I promised pictures, and I have them! Keep in mind that this whole thing is a large work in progress. Let's go on a tour, shall we?

You enter the apartment here...

Barstools: From my parents. Repainted by Jeff and his Dad.

Let's take a look at the living room:

Couch: From my parents, Recovered by a decorator-friend as a wedding gift.
Rug: Jeff's graduation gift from same friend.
Chair and Ottoman: Ikea
Coffee Table:
Everything Else: Marshalls, TJ Maxx, and Ross. Yep.

Look! A pillow with our new monogram! (A shower gift from that same friend)

This might be my favorite part of the whole apartment. I looove this wall. 
Mirrors: Ikea, painted and (painstakingly) hung by us. :o)
Sofa Table: From my parents

This is the one big piece of furniture we bought for the new apartment. We love love love it.
See all those DVDs? I'm marrying my own personal Blockbuster.

Let's see... next to the living room we have the kitchen table area...

Table & Chairs: From my parents, painted and spruced up by Jeff :o)

The piano was another big purchase. It was kind of like Jeff's graduation present to himself. 
Paintings: Ebay. Seriously cheap.
Notice the didgeridoo in the right-hand corner? Jeff owns a didgeridoo. Weird, right?
Those two frames in the middle are vintage sheet music for the Texas A&M and USC fight songs (ebay as well!).

And now we'll go into...the kitchen!

I love the kitchen. Slate floors. Dark wood cabinets. 
It's everything I ever wanted. 

And on to.... the guest bathroom!

Did I mention that this is "my" bathroom? The master bath is teeny tiny compared to this one, so I went ahead and claimed it for myself, and Jeff's going to use the other one. I'm in love with this arrangement. :o)

You've seen this before - the recently painted red wall! That bed and nightstand are going to be swapped out for the black Ikea set super-soon!

Old USC band records... don't they match so well??

This is the one area we haven't tackled yet. But you better believe those boxes are going to be gone in time for the new black Ikea dresser!

Wanna know what we did with the guest room closet?

Meet "the office." Yes, it's technically a closet. But it has its own A/C vents and electrical outlets, and it's working quite well! we bought the desk at Wal-Mart. Super classy.

It even has shelves!

What's left... hmm... the balcony!

If you've been reading the blog for a while you'll recognize the patio set as our Valentine's Day gift to each other. We LOVE it. If only it weren't so hot and humid in Houston...

Alrighty, that brings us to the Master Bedroom, which oddly enough seems to be the room with the longest way to go for decorating.

We just painted it that brownish color. In person it's the exact same color as Bailey's. Which is probably why the color was called "cocoa rum." The bedroom furniture was from a family friend of Jeff's, and that's our new bedding from the registry! 

See? Told you Jeff's bathroom is tiny! 

What's that above the toilet? Oh...just the Texas Declaration of Independence!

We really like Texas.

And what's that?

It's the Texas capitol building!

This is the weird shower. I don't like it. It's shower head points directly down and it has no sort of door. Just another reason why I opted to use the other bathroom. :o)

And last but not least, my linen closet!

I just had to show this to you because it makes me feel so grown up and happy. 
I think somewhere inside of me I've always wanted a linen closet, and now I feel complete. 

I hope you enjoyed your tour around the new apartment! 

Anyone have any good home decorating tips? Please tell me I'm not the only one that requests her own bathroom...

Flower Girl Gifts!

I mentioned before that I'm keeping the bridesmaid gifts a blog-secret until after the wedding. BUT...there's no reason I can't share the flower girl gifts, right? I mean...they're 2 and 4 years old. Surely they don't read the blog.

Flower girl gifts were a little challenging for me. I wanted to get my 2 and 4-year old cousins something they would be excited about (i.e. not a fancy necklace), but I wanted it to be something their mom and dad would be excited about too (i.e., not a giant bag of candy).

First up, the parent-pleaser - a "nice" gift with plenty of usefulness and lots of the cute factor. Enter, the gingham tote bag:

I bought them from the Knot's website (during a sale, and using a coupon code for new customers!). You can pick your font and color for the monogram, but I stuck with what was on the sample picture. These bags are pretty petite, but they're perfect for wee little girls!

I stuffed the bags with all sorts of things little girls love:

Feel free to click the pictures to enlarge!

Each girl's bag contains:
  • A pack of crayons (Crayola, of course. No off-brand yucky crayons here!)
  • A coloring book (Two different ones, so they don't fight over whose is whose. This is very important with small pairs of sisters.)
  • A little stuffed dog. Those girls loooove stuffed animals. (Same brand and such, but different dogs!)
  • A travel-sized Magnadoodle (Again, blue for Sydney and green for Sara. Same but different!)
  • A bag of Goldfish crackers
  • A few tubs of Play-Doh

I hope their gifts will make them smile and keep them from getting bored during the wedding weekend! And hopefully their mommy likes those cute little tote bags!

Here they are all ready to go!

If you were a 2-year old girl, would you like these? I'm pretty sure I would. Actually, I'm a 21-year old girl and I'd like one of these! Haha. I could totally go for some coloring right now. And some Goldfish.