
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"Look What I Made!" - Door Sign Edition

On Monday, I had a paper due in one of my English classes.

Procrastination on schoolwork tends to lend itself to productivity with the wedding, and it was during one such episode of avoiding the paper that I created the following:

These beauties will proudly adorn the doors of the groom and bridal suites at the church as we get ready! The font on the bridal sign is Digs My Hart from dafont. It's my new favorite. I wish I would've found it before the Save the Dates!

J approved his sign, saying it was sufficiently masculine. He's being very understanding of all my silly little wedding projects. It must be love.

Now I just have to keep these lovelies safe until July! Haha.

1 comment:

  1. I totally hear you on the procrastination on school work = wedding productivity! And I was going to say 'Love the use of Digs My Heart' as soon as I saw the second sign! :) I use it all the time! If you like that font you should check out Fonts for Peas and more specifically Pea Bev and all of the Pea Hannah fonts! :)
